Daily Bark Wednesday, September 29, 2021



The library will be closed for study hall 3rd & 7th periods


The next Bulldog Book Club meeting will be tomorrow, September 30th, at 8am in the library. We will meet during PLC time and chat about what we've been reading. All are welcome to join in the discussion!


It's Banned Books Week and RBLibrary is celebrating everyone's right to read. Book challenges can be initiated by anyone. 50% of all challenges reported to the American Library Association last year were initiated by parents, and 73% of all the challenges were focused on books and graphic novels. Some of the most common reasons for challenges are because the material contains LGBTQIA+ content, anti-police, racial slurs, profanity, about Black Lives Matter, contains a political viewpoint, or contains a religious viewpoint. There are many more reasons why some people believe that others should not be allowed access to the books, programs, and other materials in libraries and schools. Stand up for your right to read and read or share a book that you enjoy this week!


Attention Seniors: Today is the retake and make-up day for Senior Portraits. This is the last day for seniors to have their pictures taken for the yearbook! Photographers will be in the Alumni Lounge from 8:00-3:30. Please contact Mrs. Marsh with any questions.


Lucca's restaurant in LaGrange is hiring for more information contact Ms. Englehart in Student Services.
