JUNIORS: Practice SAT/NMSQT Exam on Wednesday, October 25

Attention all juniors: You will be taking the digital Practice SAT/NMSQT exam on Wednesday, October 25th. Juniors are expected to be in their seats in the Field House by 7:55 a.m. so we can begin testing promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students receiving accommodations will receive notice of their testing location separately.
It is incredibly important that all juniors are aware of the following:
1. You must bring your school-issued, fully-charged Chromebook to the exam. No personal devices will be allowed in the testing room and we will not be distributing Chromebooks to students who do not have a working device on that day. 
2. Bring a pen or pencil for scratch work. The school will provide scratch paper during the exam.
3. Bring a snack and/or drink for the exam, to be placed under your desk at all times.
4. Do not bring an internet-enabled device like your cell phone or smartwatch. These will be confiscated at the beginning of the exam.
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